COBS Bread Bakery de Toronto

CanadaCOBS Bread Bakery



🕗 horaire

370, Bloor Street West, M5S 1X2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-924-9555
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6663308, Longitude: -79.4059677

commentaires 5

  • en

    Philippe Fischer


    Very mediocre bread. Much better off with Blackbird or even Ace.

  • grave yard

    grave yard


    Pretty much buy all my bread here. The regular white loaf has a sort of bleach-like taste but in a good way? Who is to say, really? As far as croissants go, I’d honestly hit the metro instead, but their various cheese-related treats are very good and the bread itself is great for sandwiches.

  • en

    Kayan Y


    Such great bread and amazing service! Just moved to the city and found my new bakery.

  • Tim Ryeland

    Tim Ryeland


    Fantastic store with great customer service. Such great fresh products it's hard to know what to choose! Definitely would recommend to everyone. Come check it out and you will leave happy.

  • Paul Jarvey

    Paul Jarvey


    Classic small chain bakery. Great sourdough, buns, and everyday loaves. The Cobb seed loaf is amazing! Always fantastic service here.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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