Uncle Tetsu's Japanese Cheesecake de Toronto

CanadaUncle Tetsu's Japanese Cheesecake



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598, Bay Street, M5G 1M5, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-591-0555
site web: uncletetsu-ca.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6559689, Longitude: -79.3840134

commentaires 5

  • Alaina Franco

    Alaina Franco


    I was recommended to go to Uncle Tetsu’s by a friend of mine. I have never had Japanese-style cheesecake before until I went to Uncle Tetsu’s. It is super fluffy and perfectly cooked. The texture is also much lighter than traditional American-style cheesecake. I have been to both the Bay St and Pacific Mall locations. Excellent service and great quality cheesecake!

  • annzie a

    annzie a


    I mean...what can I say?? There is a reason people line up at this bakery and the one next door. I am literally ready to write the same review for both bakeries. They are definitely over-rated, hyped up....but ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!! They are so fluffy, airy and light....and not too sweet either. As soon as you walk in, the smell just embraces your senses. I bought one box and returned a few hours later to buy two more. They are super inexpensive and so easy to indulge. One cheesecake is CAD$10, about $7.33 USD. The packaging is just so adorable as well. It is conveniently located right next to the Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Bake shop as well. I came on a Sunday morning, first around 9:30, then a second time around 11:30. Both times, there weren't any lines or other customers in the shop.

  • es

    Jorge Mesa



  • Antonio R

    Antonio R


    El menjor cheesecake de Canada. Magnífico. Siempre hay cola.




    Delicioso, si visitas Toronto no pierdas oportunidad de probar estos pastelitos Japonese, esta un poco saturado pero la espera vale la pena.

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