Canadian Tire de Gloucester

CanadaCanadian Tire



🕗 horaire

2010, Ogilvie Road, K1J 8X3, Gloucester, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-748-0637
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4351947, Longitude: -75.606432

commentaires 5

  • Forever Annoyed

    Forever Annoyed


    At first, I thought maybe I was overreacting. After seeing these reviews I realize I'm NOT. Is everyone here personality disordered ? Or just miserable ? The only normal person is the store manager. Received snarky comments from the old cranky bats on cash, rudeness from the obese girl on cash as well as the other younger Asian girl on cash. Other employees on the floor have dead look in their eyes and a flat affect... generally condescending and back handed. Something off about this place.

  • en

    Daniel Geoffroy


    I went to this store and received the worst customer service experience . I couldn’t find an employee on the floor to help me. Cashier call someone on the intercom and no one show up still. No wonder the parking lot is empty.

  • Eli Marshall

    Eli Marshall


    Customer service is really great, the manager is helpful and quick. Went back recently, again received good service trying to sort out an online tire order! Thanks Jacob!

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    Gerald Way


    Great store it has everything you need udder one roof. Candian store with stores across this country. I am a proad Canadian. 3 chears !!! Gerald E Way.

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    Sandra Bellini


    I ran into this store 20 minutes before closing time and received the worse customer service experience to date. I couldn’t find an employee on the floor to help me locate what I was looking for so I brought my item along with my questions to the only store front cashier. Th young girl was counting money as if she was closing and when I asked if she was closed she just gave me a dirty look and said “you still have 15 minutes”. I asked her a question and she rudely interrupted me to refer me to the customer service desk behind her. The young girl at that desk barely spoke and looked dumb founded by my very simple question. Out of frustration I went back to the cashier to pay and get out of there. During my transaction I asked the cashier if I could get smaller bills in exchange of a larger one and she told me that she wasn’t allowed to do cash backs. (Since when is providing change considered a cash back?) In my hurry to get out of there, i mistakenly headed towards the (no exit) entrance and they both looked at me without saying a word. I realized I couldn’t get out and walked back the other way. Needless to say I will not be visiting this location again.

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