Canada Post de Ottawa

CanadaCanada Post



🕗 horaire

888, Meadowlands Drive East, K2C 1N0, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.367335, Longitude: -75.70157

commentaires 5

  • Rob



    Simply the best. Better than all the rest.

  • raed Iskandar

    raed Iskandar


  • en

    Miss Smith


    Had to mail an item & was told that express will be cheaper plus I can track it. Way to go!! Thanks CP!!!!

  • Authentication Legalization Services Canada

    Authentication Legalization Services Canada


    The staff at this Canada post has been great to work with since they moved into this location! We never have a problem, and they treat us like family! Thank you very much!

  • Narelle Waite

    Narelle Waite


    I posted an intentional parcel and it was quite expensive and weighing just over 500grams, the assistant said he would check if making it under 500g would help. He lied, said he did and it didn't change anything. I have since checked with the Canada post website using the measurements of the postage parcel I purchased and both weight options. Postage halves from $42 to $22, I'm really angry about that - I'd have gladly removed an unnecessary 50gram item. The man was pleasant but ultimately, unhelpful.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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