Canada Post de Ottawa

CanadaCanada Post



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2701 Riverside Dr, Ottawa, ON K1A 0B1, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.376, Longitude: -75.68998

commentaires 5

  • en

    avet super


    I strong disagree with mister C.Terrio who is obviously to upset because of who know what reason too compare thousands people with chimpanzee ..i found post office as most reliable,cheapest, and so far for now grate service...cheers

  • en

    C Terrio


    Canada Post, full of overpaid, underworked leeches. Can't even read a shipping address label. A retarded chimpanzee is more efficient and intelligent than ANY employee of Canada Post. Fire the whole lot, from the top right down to the bottom and then hire people who care and would appreciate not only what they get paid, but also the customers they SERVE. Better yet, let the USPS come and run things. At least they know what they are doing and will hold their employees accountable.

  • en



    Canada lost Why? I drove 1000+ kilometres to Ottawa in -30 degrees to pick up my delayed xpresspost.

  • en

    John Cook


    I would give less than 1 star if I could. I went in to pick up a parcel this weekend at Rexall, 1910 St. Laurent Blvd., and no one was at the service counter, just a sign saying they would return in 30 mins. When I went to speak to the manager (Vicki) she was dismissive and rude and offered no help. By the time anyone arrived to help (after 30 mins) there was a line up of 5 - 7 people --- some had just given up and left. "short staffed" and "no one is trained" were the excuses offered. ever wonder why people stop coming to your location???

  • Vaatik



    Pire service de livraison parmis toutes les compagnies auxquelles j'ai eu affaire. Leur livreur s'est rendu jusqu'a ma porte d'appartement pour y laisser l'avis de livraison sur la poignée et repartir. Tout cela sans frapper a ma porte ni sonner alors que nous étions présent. (Le livreur laisse la notice à 11h40 et nous nous sommes aperçu de la dite notice à 11h45. Il n'a même pas essayer de nous contacter par aucuns moyens)

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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