Cakes Etc de Victoria

CanadaCakes Etc



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2821, Quesnel Street, V8T 4K2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-360-2390
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4402358, Longitude: -123.3656536

commentaires 5

  • Dariya Boklashchuk

    Dariya Boklashchuk


    A bit of a strange location because they're found in this industrial area surrounded by construction and other labor etc just off of government and hillside. The store itself is neat and the bakers/cashiers were very friendly and helped me choose cupcakes for a going away lunch! Not many gluten free options but some key good ones like a cake and coconut/almond bars! Cupcakes looked like a work of art and tasted amazing!!

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    Tina Rose


    Love Cakes Etc. their Tiramisu cake is the best. Great Service, friendly staff and lots to choose from.

  • jen isherwood

    jen isherwood


    These cakes are a thing of beauty! the passion fruit cake is one of the best cakes I have personally ever tasted. Light and not too sweet. Worth every penny!

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    Jessica Ray


    Absolute worst customer service i have ever received. They told me to come in one week before my wedding to order a one tiered naked cake. Being organized i came in two weeks early and they refused to do it as their policy changed in december. I had an email from them dec 28 confirming they would do it. They said no still. I asked why noone replied to my email they said they were probably waiting for me to come in to tell me. Absolutely unacceptable to use this excuse. I will never order from them again because of this. The right thing to do would be honour the email. Two weeks between the email confirmation and me attempting to order is not acceptable for them to refuse. If i had waited until the week before i would have had no cake for my wedding. I have waited two weeks to post this review to give them time to apologize or myself to cool off. I am still furious. Strongly advise against this company. The service is not worth it.

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    Kiara H


    My husband and I got our wedding cake from here, and every year since have gotten that same cake for our anniversary. Artful and delicious, alongside having wonderful gluten free options (and the best cookies too!) I'd recommend this bakery in a heartbeat!

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