dutch bakery & coffee shop ltd de Victoria

Canadadutch bakery & coffee shop ltd



🕗 horaire

718, Fort Street, V8W 1H2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-385-1012
site web: thedutchbakery.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.424803, Longitude: -123.3645299

commentaires 5

  • Kristy Vidal

    Kristy Vidal


    The food is vintage cafe fare and ambience. Waitresses have a fabulous and welcoming attitude. Pick up sweet treats after your comfort meal.

  • Samuel Lee

    Samuel Lee


    I find the coffee really good, the price is just insanely good for a sit-down. I've had breakfast and lunch there, and for the food and prices are just really good.

  • Sandra Doherty

    Sandra Doherty


    Delish food. Fab desserts. Friendly. Inexpensive

  • Dan Allison

    Dan Allison


    Love the Dutch Bakery! Old school but sooo good. Great breakfast and lunch. Tons of pastries. Run by the same family for 4 generations.

  • Regina Akhankina

    Regina Akhankina


    We enjoyed our time today! Vanilla slides and strudel were superb! I’m a big fan of pastries with reasonable amount of sugar because I need to feel the taste! And these were great! For people like me who doesn’t like oversweeted desserts and prefer more European style bakery it is a must! Staff was awesome! I’m going to come back!

Boulangerie la plus proche

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