Bubble King Tea House de Vancouver

CanadaBubble King Tea House



🕗 horaire

88, West Pender Street, V6B 6N9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-568-3822
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2799531, Longitude: -123.1066282

commentaires 5

  • Cherise B

    Cherise B


    I tried the rose tea! It was so delicious!

  • Bernard Tran

    Bernard Tran


    Had the bubble milk tea. Good size. Bubbles were just the right amount of chewiness. Waffles looked interesting, will try next time I'm there.

  • Garett Backe

    Garett Backe


    I'm never disappointed with this place... Okay it doesn't look entirely organized and tidy but the drinks are always good. Fresh pearl, friendly staff, authentic.

  • en



    They don't have the best bubble tea here, but it's not bad. Service is acceptable. Prices are high.

  • Baeden



    Superb bubble tea. Nice variety of flavors. You can get tea, slush with fresh fruit, and artisan flavor powder. They even got these bubble themed waffles now to go with your drink so that's pretty neat. The bubble tea man is such a good man he'll even serve it with specifically three bubbles if you ask politely. All in all, Fantastic bubble tea, Fantastic bubble man, Fantastic fake replicas do not touch they are fake they will fine you $20 if you break it. 10/10 which equals 1 so I give them a 1.

Café la plus proche

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