Starbucks de Vancouver




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555, West Hastings Street, V6B 4N6, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-685-2570
site web:
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Latitude: 49.2846098, Longitude: -123.1119558

commentaires 5

  • en

    Anita Bobertson


    It's quite unfortunate to read how many bad comments there are on the Google review. Yikes, I think the Baristas there are pretty great.

  • Mayuko



    There were 2staffs, one was a male another was a female, both were korean. When I ordered my drink, her face super sucked and made me unhappy. I like and respect starbucks but I never go there again.

  • Adolfo Ibarguen

    Adolfo Ibarguen


    Nice people but they offer low quality drinks. The bartender added brewed coffee accumulated in a pitcher to hot water and it was my Americano. The drink had a terrible taste. It was really disappointed.

  • Livia Evergreen

    Livia Evergreen


    Very bad service. Arrogant waitresses.

  • en

    Cruise Johnson


    Anna???? Worst Starbucks service staff ever. Rude, arrogant, and she has NO IDEA what "macchiato" Tall, dry Cappuccino or Macchiato. She began to argue with me and lecture me in front of the other customers. I have been a daily customer for 12 years. I spend (foolishly yes), $15-$20 per day at Starbucks. I know wha I order. Please train your staff in the drinks you offer; and please get rid of this Anna...she has zero customer service There is no place for rudeness or arrogance in customer service. Insulting your customers now Starbucks? I doubt your accept this girls conduct. Note: Finally, a Manager, (whom I recognize from Dunsmuir/Seymour) came over to make the drink and it was STILL a disaster. After the 3 tries at making my order, I did not want to be there anymore. This "manager" could ask use a refresher course I "service".

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