Boundary Bay Airport de Delta

CanadaBoundary Bay Airport


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

7800, Alpha Way, V4K 0A7, Delta, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-946-5361
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.0749947, Longitude: -123.0076728

commentaires 5

  • Jackson Mann

    Jackson Mann


    Pacific Flying Club and CASARA BC Southwest Zone are great. Well run and professional

  • Thomas Ellis

    Thomas Ellis


    Awesome small airport, you can stop by and watch the planes, and have some excellently cooked food at the skyhawk restaurant while you're there

  • Jani Párkányi

    Jani Párkányi


    💎 I really like the shape of the airport, it's like a diamond big enough to see it from outer space! 💎

  • Geoff Dyck

    Geoff Dyck


    Cute lil airport with a decent restaurant inside.

  • en

    David Robertson


    Flew in and excellent service all the way with luggage and a rental car ready to go. Not a busy airport at all and less costly than YVR.

Aéroport la plus proche

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