Port lotniczy Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre de Vancouver

CanadaPort lotniczy Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre



🕗 horaire

1055, Canada Place, V6C 3T4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-647-7570
site web: www.vhfc.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.290174, Longitude: -123.117578

commentaires 5

  • de

    Ambrosius Hammerstuhl


    Wasserflugzeuge sind in Kanada nicht wegzudenken. In vielen entlegenen Gegenden das wichtigste Verkehrsmittel. Im Winter werden die Wasserpontons gegen Kufen ausgetauscht

  • breezy



    Fun place to sit and watch the float planes come in and take off. Would be interesting for little kids also.

  • Miles Archibald

    Miles Archibald


    Very quick check in, there was good seats to sit on while u were waiting. Plane wise, it was a dash 6 twin otter. A bit loud, but comfortable with a very nice pilot. Overall an awesome experience at the Vancouver harbour flight Center. I would recommend coming here for a fun scenic adventure.

  • en

    Colin B


    I like this airline, very competent pilots and service group. OK late a few times but no real problem, always given a good reason for the delay plus an apology. Aircraft always kept meticulously clean and particularly the windows are nice and clean.

  • Ehsan Tehran

    Ehsan Tehran


    Amazing place. Very lively and energetic place with amazing people always hanging out here. Live music and I can eve n describe how amazing their Mahony Platter is, you need to try it for sure. Lovely place with amazing staff. 100% recommend this place.

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