BMO Bank of Montreal de Calgary

CanadaBMO Bank of Montreal



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3517, Charleswood Drive Northwest, T2L 2C1, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-234-2831
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0847646, Longitude: -114.1260053

commentaires 5

  • Shawn Li

    Shawn Li


    The worst bank ever in the world. I went this branch several times, every time I was so desperate of long queue and arrogance of the service. Today, I went to close my bank account and ordered a draft to withdraw all my money in my account, it cost me 7.5 cad fee and i don't really get it. Why a draft would cost you money? And the account closing fee is 10.75 cad, what!!!! And again why? It's so ridiculous, I am done with this stupid bank forever . And the short Chinese speaking lady, I don't own you money, so please don't show off your cocky face, OK?

  • Collin Ehr

    Collin Ehr


    The reviews posted here are old, and clearly from cranky people. I've been a student for 5 years now and in the entire time I have banked here at the brentwood BMO ive never had bad customer service. This branch has a great staff!

  • Tracey ZHOU

    Tracey ZHOU


    I would put zero star if I could, but this star goes to the water and coffee I had. The teller appears to be arrogant but if you listen to what she says, she’s contradicting herself in every possible way! And she doesn’t know lots of basic information that she should know at her position. When asked which day of the month is the due date for credit card payment that she just set up, she said “we don’t know yet because you haven’t used this card and you don’t have anything you need to pay”... like seriously?!

  • Aleah Dunfield

    Aleah Dunfield


    There wasn't anyone at the counters and the girl that helped me was wearing so much perfume I started getting an asthma attack. Yikes... I think it would be a much more pleasurable experience if the whole place wasn't like walking through a thick cloud of perfume.

  • Calgary DJ

    Calgary DJ


    My DJ company 1st in Entertainment banks here, so we have a business account. BMO started charging all small business accounts monthly fees regardless of the balance. That's not the account I signed up for which was free with a fairly hefty minimum balance. It would have been nice if they could have honoured existing agreements with their customers. My company honours old rates for repeat clients because we want their business, this policy makes me feel undervalued as a consumer. I wasn't thrilled that I wasn't given any say in the matter, I supposed I could move our commercial account but all of the major banks seem to have gotten together to implement similiar fees - not much competition in that industry. The branch at Brentwood is a fairly typical experience. Sometimes there are lineups, the service is typical - I haven't had any specific issues with that. They recently renovated the branch so it's a bit cleaner looking now. On the positive side I do enjoy the free coffee and tea machine they stock.

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