TD Canada Trust de Calgary

CanadaTD Canada Trust



🕗 horaire

1632, 14 Avenue Northwest, T2N 1M7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-299-3443
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0662719, Longitude: -114.1012197

commentaires 5

  • en

    Henri Wennekers


    Great branch, friendly, knowledgeable, prompt. Love to go there.

  • en

    Alexander Balleine


    Brought in rolled coin once and was treated like a low life buy the Asian female teller. She went as far as to check each roll. Made me feel like garbage. I try to avoid dealing with that branch now.

  • Carlos Perez

    Carlos Perez


    It would be extremely useful if people could find the branch numbers. Thanks.

  • en

    Kata Glumac


    I cannot say enough about how lovely the employees at this branch always are. I would especially like to thank Monika, a genuine sweetheart who took the time out of her busy day to write me a card that I received when I got home from a road trip in the California coast. It made me feel so special that she listened to the details of my trip. She truly went above and beyond and made my day! Thanks Monika and TD bank for doing a killer job on the hiring side!

  • Joanne Williams

    Joanne Williams


    We switched from another major bank to this bank, and we've been super happy so far! Customer service has been excellent. The staff have been very friendly, helpful and efficient. Whenever I've gone into this branch, my wait time has been only a few minutes, either to see a teller or get help from the customer service desk. There has always been 1 to 2 people at the desk, able to provide *real* help, whereas at our old bank, 0-1 people at the desk, who, if they were there, always directed me to someone else. I highly recommend this branch!

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