BMO Bank of Montreal w Vancouver

KanadaBMO Bank of Montreal



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1004, Hamilton Street, V6B 2R9, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
kontakt telefon: +1 604-668-1550
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 49.2768381, Longitude: -123.1195709

komentarze 5

  • en

    Al Fathaddin


    Decent customer service

  • ja

    Takahiro Oishi


    行員が二人しかいないのでかなり待たされた。 特に急ぐ素振りもなく印象は良くない。

  • Chien Ho Chang

    Chien Ho Chang


    Best service I ever had in bmo.

  • Boyd Kelly

    Boyd Kelly


    Staff have always been friendly and helpful. Once I forgot my wallet and had no ID or debit card, but since they recognized me, they let me withdraw a few $$ for lunch. Another time I had a cheque with a hold on it. The girl checked if they could get an 'image' of the cheque to verify it. That was done in 2 min, and the 5 day hold was removed on the spot! Nice work! Thanks!

  • en

    David Segmund Segmund


    Poor Customer Services and Incompetent staff._____ Here is the story: I had someone steal my debit card info online so I went into the bank and asked them to cancel my card and reorder another one. I was told all was fine and not to worry anymore. 3 days later I get another unauthorized transaction on my account and another one 5 days later, then I was told the teller hadn't shut my card down all the way and that’s why the scam people were able to use it again. Not only that she debited my checking and savings for my paycheck when she was only suppose to cash it over the counter and now I'm stuck paying overdrafts fees and debits that shouldn't have been on there. The girl needs to be fired or trained really well again because she just cost me a lot of money. . I don't know what kind of business they're running here, but they have lost me as a customer. I am taking my business elsewhere.

najbliższy Bank

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