Bikes de Saskatoon




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623, Main Street, S7H 0J8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-555-8555
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.116881, Longitude: -106.6549941

commentaires 3

  • Ian Robertson

    Ian Robertson


    Bought a brand new road bike and spent over two thousand dollars in the shop. Chain started making noise a couple weeks in so they made adjustments not realizing the crank was bad. After 6 more weeks of a noisy bike it literally fell apart riding out of my driveway (crank assembly came apart). Took it back and it took 3 and a half months to repair! When I finally did get it back I did not get an apology they just told me I was good to go and that I could leave. Only reason for 2 stars was the friendly front staff who helped me pick the bike and get me going. Shame I won't be going back (even for free tune-ups).

  • en

    Joshua Doerksen


    Not helpful, treat you like an idiot for asking questions. Was scoffed at when I asked if they had any documentation for the 700 dollar bike I just purchased. Also the pre purchase "tune-up" missed that the shifter was out of line making the bike not so fun to ride and costing me even more money to get fixed (at a different shop of course). After getting the bike fixed at Bruce's Cycle it is a joy to ride.

  • Biking across Canada lu

    Biking across Canada lu


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