Bike Doctor de Saskatoon

CanadaBike Doctor



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623, Main Street, S7H 0J8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-664-8555
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1169057, Longitude: -106.6549844

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sharlene Lloyd


    Hipsters, weird haircuts. Was going to go in and have a look until some stoned looking kid with a moustache similar to Hitler popped out of the entrance like something was on fire. Odd. Then he walked back in. Seriously, if you're running a business that a family might go in to, consider the employees behavior and aesthetic.

  • Matthew Linsley

    Matthew Linsley


    Awesome service. Huge selection of bikes.

  • Joe Baranowski

    Joe Baranowski


    Disclaimer here is that I have not been to the shop, which has to make you wonder why the heck would I be writing a review? I ran into one of the guys on my bicycle ride on Maui and he was kind enough to stop and help me get back on my ride.

  • en

    Stephen Teichroeb


    this place is awesome. the bike mechanics are terrific. see you there.

  • neil fisher

    neil fisher


    Walked in searching for a bike light... walked out with a new bike. Solid selection and variety of bike types, plus competitive pricing - even when compared to online pricing. Staff are super friendly and very knowledgeable, but also willing to admit when unfamiliar with something specific - and chances are another staff member will likely be able to help out. Their service department is reliable, speedy and cost effective. If you're in need of any sort of bicycle repair, whether it's a flat tire or wobbly wheel - head over to the Bike Doctor :)

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