Best Buy de Brossard

CanadaBest Buy



🕗 horaire

8480, Boulevard Leduc, J4Y 0K7, Brossard, Champlain, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 450-766-2300
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4522417, Longitude: -73.4427841

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sarah Maude Daoust


    I bought some wireless plantronics headsets... and The guy at the brossard branch told me that I could swim with it ....?!? I told him that simpossible ... it’s electronics ?!?... he told me : it’s true , they are waterproof ... that’s why they Are expensive ... I bought them anyways ... but I looked online and nowhere it says that you can swim with it ,,, those guys just say anything to sell ... shame on you Best Buy!!!

  • Arkaxe Gaming

    Arkaxe Gaming


    Belle endroit, jai pas trouver ce que je cherchais, mais ils m'ont référer a un autre bestbuy qui l'avait.

  • en

    Mr Ben


    Worst service!! Had to return my tv 2 times because they didnt stop giving me destroyed tvs as replacement. Employees didnt know what the hell they where doing for the exchange and none of the managers near them bothered helping them

  • Alex Massi

    Alex Massi


    Good experience, great staff. Bought kitchen appliances. Would recommend due to customer service

  • Jean-Francois Loiselle

    Jean-Francois Loiselle


    Toujours eu du bon service a ce Best Buy

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