Best Buy de Longueuil

CanadaBest Buy



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1800, Avenue Auguste, J4V 3R4, Longueuil, Champlain, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 450-443-3817
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.484506, Longitude: -73.461946

commentaires 5

  • en

    Fed Z.


    Came here to look for a Gopro, and I was asking the differences between a Gopro session and a Gopro 5 Hero Black. The guy that I was asking did not know anything about it, and which was fine to me, but he talk to me with a scissors and he almost poked me with that.

  • en

    Omer Idrees


    A much better store than it's Dix30 counter part. Staff is more courteous and the ambinece is not as depressing as other BestBuy locations. The access is tricky, you have to enter the strip mall and then turn in to get here. Google maps just leaves you stranded on the main road without getting you to turn in.

  • Patrick Chandonia

    Patrick Chandonia


    Got the wrong information from the sales rep and came back to get the service I was promised but was denied and then called a liar. The manager even had the nerve to try to sell me services I didn’t need. Service here has never been outstanding but I’m happy overall with the price I paid for my TV.

  • fai chan

    fai chan


    I was there with my wife and kids on sunday. My wife ordered something online. And we need to there to pick up the orders. We were waiting at the customer service for more than 5 mins. The only thing we can see is the staffs are chatting, playing around. I am not surprise why most of the people go online shopping now. With my experience with this bestbuy. I definitely will try to avoid to shop there again .

  • rith antony

    rith antony


    this store is usually quiet. sales reps have more time to deal with you without pushing if you know what you're looking for and stick to it, no huge line-ups... but has the same stock level as the ones in Montreal (downtown, Anjou...)

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