Beer Store de Ottawa

CanadaBeer Store



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1860, Bank Street, K1V 7Z8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-733-1402
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3690665, Longitude: -75.6633136

commentaires 5

  • Daniel Robin

    Daniel Robin


    They sell beer, and I am buying what they are selling. Parking sucks, but it is walking distance to my house. Clean and well organized.

  • en

    Ray Perrier


    Seems like a beer store is a beer store, is a beer store and so on. But not in this case! It is nicely renovated, well laid out and has a great selection of beer. Very nice staff who go out of their way to help as well as keep late hours to be of service when other stores aren't. Good job.

  • Bill Murray

    Bill Murray


    Excellent location, fast friendly service, great selection of beers. Can be very busy at times if you are returning wine/beer/liquor bottles, especially on the weekends.

  • Minna Donatucci

    Minna Donatucci


    The beer store has upgraded...and not for the better. They have a digital menu now. So that's great. But there is no link between it and the human order taker other than your voice. It's not a stream lined system. That, and it's completely screwed up in terms of matching the actual inventory. Also, there is one crusty little gal working here. I HOPE she was just having a bad day, because if that's her regular working demeanor, she needs to find a new one, because constantly irritable does not a happy costumer make.

  • Debbie Delorey

    Debbie Delorey


    The staff is very friendly and helpful. I come in on a mobility scooter and they always make sure the entry and aisle is clear of any obstructions. Once I place my order they are quick to get it and put it in my backpack, and they never forget to zip me up and give me a "good to go"!

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