Baby Point Hardware de Toronto

CanadaBaby Point Hardware



🕗 horaire

777, Annette Street, M6S 2E4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-769-7774
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6582839, Longitude: -79.4875735

commentaires 5

  • juliana pivato

    juliana pivato


    Love this place. He is so helpful and knowledgeable. Why go to home depot? Their prices aren't better.

  • Douglas Tindal

    Douglas Tindal


    Fabulous neighbourhood hardware store, huge selection and very knowledgeable assistance. Keep your Big Box stores, Baby Point Hardware has it all.

  • en

    Matthew Schwartz


    Amazing hardware store with friendly and knowledgeable staff. It has almost everything.

  • dorie p

    dorie p


    Great local owner w lots of advice, and fair prices

  • en

    G Ing


    Joe, the proprietor of this establishment is gracious, knowledgeable and very helpful. He will take the time to understand your needs and do his very best to help you solve your problems even if he isn't going to sell you anything. He truly understands the concept of prividimg excellent customer service and promoting customer loyalty!

Magasin de matériel la plus proche

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