Avis Car Rental de Vancouver

CanadaAvis Car Rental



🕗 horaire

757 Hornby Street, (at West Georgia Street), Vancouver, BC V6Z 1S2, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 604-606-2868
site web: www.avis.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.283179, Longitude: -123.121227

commentaires 5

  • en

    Emanuele Goffredo


    Very good customer service and always very nice and clean cars. The only feedback is to provide bigger garbage bins in the parking floors (the small existing ones are always full) and also provide some pens inside the cars to complete the information and the end of the rental when the front office is closed. Thanks.

  • Fam. Arenas Montoya

    Fam. Arenas Montoya


    The worst rental in my live , its was a robbery I get the car whit the full gas gauge, and the women who received say its no totally full . Why of Course was full . so then start to told me because i dont deliver at night . They charge me $ 55 But I was in a tragic accident stand Up 5 hours in the higway in the way to whistler . And also they don’t return my money yet my pre -authorization . $350 canadian Usd why ? Your car is safe since one week ago and where is my money . I want my money back in my acount . This people abuse to the foreing people . Don’t rent a car in Avis ... Jhoana

  • en

    Ann Richardson


    We had a Dodge Charger which hubby loved driving! A fairly long queue at the desk to collect in Calgary but quick and easy handing back in Vancouver.

  • en

    Nick Pizza


    Some of the best customer service I've experienced recently in Vancouver. The whole staff work really well together it seems and they are fast, friendly, and effective. Pickup was smooth, my car was clean and worked great, and drop off simple. Shout out to Martha who helped me with everything.

  • Javier Aceves

    Javier Aceves


    Servicio rapido y eficiente

Location de voiture la plus proche

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