Andres Electronic Experts de Prince George

CanadaAndres Electronic Experts


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

2591 Vance Rd, V2N 1N4, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 250-563-4447
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8805651, Longitude: -122.7713811

commentaires 5

  • kentonnicholson



    Never purchased anything here in my life. Was having trouble with my car stereo went in and was given free advice with no hassle. Very knowledgable and helpful staff. will be back for future purchases.

  • 12berniemac



    Just bought tv guy was very helpful good sales knew allot about prices for every model

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    Craig Landon


    Nichol the phone girl is amazing!!! Very easy to deal with!

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    Desmand Webb


    These guys took care of me to the max! They have earned my business for car audio!

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    J VdB


    Awesome to deal with, just ask for Joe super knowledgable when it comes to everything in that store

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