Virgin Mobile de Prince George

CanadaVirgin Mobile



🕗 horaire

3055, Massey Drive, V2N 2S9, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-277-1066
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8975572, Longitude: -122.7761564

commentaires 5

  • Christina Duncan

    Christina Duncan


    If you ever decide to go with this company just expect that their customer support team is horrible. I called customer support 6 times already and Every time they tell me it's fixed I have to jump through another hoop to wait longer. My phone hasn't worked for 1 month and they have only taken off $50.00 off my phone bill for the trouble of not helping me properly. It's been over a month and they want me to wait longer just to fix my damn phone!! 😡😠

  • Kim Bonnell

    Kim Bonnell


    Been a customer of Virgin Mobile since 2005. Today they lost all record of any account we've ever had. They won't unlock our phone (is that not illegal?!) so we can transfer it to another provider. We've been on the phone with them for hours all day. I will never use this company again.

  • en

    Mani Eslami Samani


    Stay away from them. They have rude costumer service agents and they have tones of hidden costs. Its a rip off!

  • Calvin van der Woerd

    Calvin van der Woerd


    The phones in these stores are expensive like for me I want a Samsung Galaxy s8 but it turns out it's expensive just like Apple iPhone even though the galaxy is a small little device

  • Jessica Burroughs

    Jessica Burroughs


    Best cell company, I don't know why anyone would go elsewhere.

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