Xpressions Flowers & More i Sudbury

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CanadaXpressions Flowers & More



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1212, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 1Y5, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 705-521-1010
internet side: www.xpressionsflowers.com
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Latitude: 46.5224524, Longitude: -80.9511787

kommentar 5

  • Neha Acharya

    Neha Acharya


    Great place to get fresh flower easily..really impressed with their service..One of the best flower shop in Sudbury

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    Derek Assiniwe


    Preordered a bouquet for my girlfriend and was disappointed in how sparse it was. I figured $100 would buy a full bountiful arrangememt. Looks like $30 worth of flowers. First and last time I shop there.

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    rita lafforley


    Superb flower shop in Sudbury really deserves the top rank. I had a unforgettable experience over there. The amazing arrangement and fresh flowers they delivered at my fiancé’s birthday as I ordered I would love to visit for valentine also and make my fiancé impressed😊😂

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    anne howard


    Xpressions flowers they really deserve the 5 star rating am pretty impressed from their job for my boyfriend's order for me He ordered the bouquet of twelve roses 🌹 for me the way they made the bouquet I was very glad From their job. The perfect florist in Sudbury, I would like to visit again for getting attractive, beautiful and fresh flowers.

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    Vroom K


    I had ordered a rose and carnations flower bouquet for our anniversary online through Xpressions Flowers & More. It was a surprise for my wife and I had made a special request to keep it a secret. Since I had paid online, complete secrecy was maintained. The flowers were delivered right at my wife's work desk. She was thrilled and excited to see the flowers. They looked truly beautiful. I am thankful to the courteous people at this shop to personally take care of my order. I would certainly be buying again from them in the near future.

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