Regency Wine & Flowers i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRegency Wine & Flowers



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1421, Regent Street, P3E 3Z1, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 705-692-2579
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.4611108, Longitude: -81.0105097

kommentar 5

  • Sherry Scagnetti

    Sherry Scagnetti


    The absolute Best winery in town 🍷

  • Robyn Belisle

    Robyn Belisle


    My first, and LAST purchase from this company. Absolutely terrible customer service. Product received was not even comparable to what was ordered, with no attempt made to rectify their mistake. I would give zero stars if I could. Spend your money somewhere else.

  • en

    corey guerette


    Web site is user friendly quick fast and easy, no brainer to order flowers from this business fantastic Thank-You !!!

  • Lisi Bernier

    Lisi Bernier


    I used to buy flowers when I lived in Sudbury here many years ago. Ordered flowers online today at 430 for someone who will probably be in the hospital a long time and needed some cheering up. I didn't know what I wanted so I picked the florist choice bouquet deluxe which arrived at 6pm the and honestly I have never seen a prettier bouquet of flowers; roses, Gerber daisies, Callalily's, and more and the bouquet made her day! Thank you so much for your attention to detail and care in your bouquets along with speedy delivery. I'm truly impressed. Lisi

  • Adam



    I went here for my 8 year wedding anniversary and bought roses. I met the owners, a very lovely couple. The flowers at their shop are perfect. I've never seen any that perfect before and my wife, who can be hard to impress at times, was VERY impressed with them. They even threw in 2 extra roses to match the number of years we've been married! (yes I took credit for that one hehe) Extremely fast service and the flowers were arranged beautifully. I'll be going back to their store for all of my special occasions. Highly recommended!

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