Wingate by Wyndham Regina i Regina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWingate by Wyndham Regina



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1700, Broad Street, S4P 1X4, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 306-992-6929
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.4517527, Longitude: -104.6069199

kommentar 5

  • Ky-linhcon Vo

    Ky-linhcon Vo


    When I first entered this hotel, I was quite impressed of how clean the place was, including the bathroom! There's a chinese buffet that isn't bad and all, the rooms are spacious and clean too. Only thing I was hoping for was a balcony with the rooms provided which, they don't have :( Overall, what really made it worth staying there is how clean it was.

  • en

    R Des


    Room was in excellent condition, very nice and clean. The pet fee was a bit high and it's not posted on website; we were charged a $30 flat rate (in the past, I've stayed at the Hilton in Toronto with a $10 pet fee; I've also stayed at hotels that comp your dog). You also have to pay for parking, $12 outside, $16 for heated garage. The pillows were awesome!

  • en

    Jeremie Roy


    The staff are really friendly in the room was really nice but we parked 10 feet from the front doors when we got there and someone broke into our vehicle with an hour of us checking in and stole close to $1,000 worth of our stuff, they were really good about it the front office staff but still even after filing a police report we have nothing of ours that went missing.

  • Gabriel Jean

    Gabriel Jean


    Great rooms. Right next to Cornwall centre. Breakfast needs to be improved. There are other hotel that are as good nearby and they are also cheaper.

  • Matt Wilkins

    Matt Wilkins


    Nice check-in experience, parking is typical for a downtown hotel - moderately priced outdoor lot or slightly more expensive indoor, all of it cramped but serviceable. Room is well-equipped and reasonably modern. Close to lots of good food, including an attached Chinese buffet that closes at the unfortunately early hour of 8pm on weeknights. A bit old-school in their methodology, however (Seriously, asking at check in if you want all your final charges on a certain card so they can slide a bill under your door in the middle of the night is very 1990s. Provide automated checkout options instead if you're trying to avoid lineups at the desk.) On the whole a quality hotel that seems well suited for business or vacation travel. Only real inconvenience is the fact you need a separate key card for the parkade. Surely that's an easy fix!

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