Quality Hotel Regina i Regina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaQuality Hotel Regina



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1717, Victoria Avenue, S4P 0P9, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 306-569-4656
internet side: www.reginaqualityhotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.4468845, Longitude: -104.6053293

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Golden


    Great staff. Affordable rooms. Great location.

  • en

    Tyler Kilbride


    It was good this time, room cleaner came way too early each morning and then like every 30 min.

  • Lee Belyea

    Lee Belyea


    Quiet and enjoyable. Staff service was great. No hot breakfast as they were changing suppliers not a good choice for the weekend.

  • en

    David Leaman


    Centrally located friendly service and reasonable rates with breakfast included.

  • en

    felman saren


    I stayed here on March 8-11, 2018. As I entered the room 407 I right away noticed somethings but i kept silent until today March 11 something happened which can cause injury to us especially to my 1 yr old baby. I would like to share to everyone what are the things that i didnt like and I hope that the management will give serious attention because these will not be improved I will certainly not stay with this hotel anymore and WILL DISCOURAGE my friends for their convenience and SAFETY. 1. when we arrived there was no SOAP in the washroom 2. The sliding door/glass where you hang the clothes is broken (it could fall anytime) 3. The flat iron is not only old and broken in the outside appearance but also not working, I needed to call for replacement 4. and what pushed me to write this, the cover of the ceiling light .FELL it ALMOST HIT MY BABY in the HEAD. other things such as the elevator in dirty and others are just minor things that they also have to improve. I hope that these things will not happen again not only to me but to anyone.

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