Waverley Inn i Halifax

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWaverley Inn


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1266, Barrington Street, B3J 1Y5, Halifax, Halifax Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 902-423-9346
internet side: www.waverleyinn.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 44.6412685, Longitude: -63.5712672

kommentar 5

  • Leo Lehman

    Leo Lehman


    Clean place, reasonably priced. Staff were friendly, unique older building.

  • Colleen D

    Colleen D


    I stayed at the Waverley Inn March 2018 The room was great, bed comfortable and the refurbished ambiance decor quite beautiful. There are stairs to the room but staff helped carry my bags. Other than a mistaken identity problem, I loved my stay. I would definitely recommend this Inn, as it's close to everything downtown.

  • Kailey Fictorie

    Kailey Fictorie


    I stayed at the Waverley inn for 3 nights. The historic hotel is absolutely gorgeous! The character and charm and friendly staff rivals any other hotel.

  • en

    Sabrina Wadden


    This was not the hotel I picked for my trip to Halifax but my husband talked me into it and I'm so glad he did!! The staff have all been amazing and the place is absolutely beautiful. My room is small but cozy and has everything I need. The bed is almost comfier than my own. The attention to detail is spectacular, the furniture and decorations are so beautiful, you really feel like you've stepped back in time. And the water pressure in the showers is actually really good. Normally I have a horrible time with hotel showers and, because of the age of the building, I was expecting it to be just as bad if not worse than normal but it was on par with my shower at home. Small thing but it makes a huge difference. I will definitely be back.

  • Charlie and Lindsay

    Charlie and Lindsay


    Beautiful inn, with lots of old decor, and chilled out atmosphere. The reception staff were all exceptional, and they were helpful with every request. They let us keep our rental parked on our last day after check-out while we walked around Halifax before our flight. Breakfast in the basement was good! The rooms could use a touch of minimalism to make them more comfortable, and the air conditioning units could use an update. Aside from that, we would stay here again, and recommend that you check it out!

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