Prince George Hotel, Halifax i Halifax

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CanadaPrince George Hotel, Halifax



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1725, Market Street, B3J 3N9, Halifax, Halifax Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 902-425-1986
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.6472708, Longitude: -63.5760699

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marla Nayer


    I enjoyed staying at this hotel so much last year that I am staying here again this year while at a conference. The rooms are comfortable the staff is agreeable, and I need distilled water which they have available at the front desk. There is a new Conference Center and this hotel is now one block from the conference center. The only drawback is that it's at close to the top of a hill and is a long walk down to the Waterfront and what feels like an even longer walk up again.

  • Suhaib Ahmed

    Suhaib Ahmed


    A very nice hotel in downtown Halifax and a great view of the city. The staff was very friendly; this was probably the best part of the hotel. The room service was also very professional. The place was steps from the convention center and other attractions in the city. The rooms themselves were a bit old. My room had a sealed door to the neighboring room, and I could hear the couple in the next room talk and go about their business. I'm sure it was probably a one-off problem with this room though.

  • Thomas Handley

    Thomas Handley


    The food was amazing. The flank steak was cooked perfectly. So tender and seasoned just right. The pork loin was excellent as well. The cherry sauce it was glazed in went perfectly with the meal. Sides were good too. The roasted potatoes are addictive. The mashed potatoes are velvet goodness. I can't pick between the two.

  • Paul Demetre

    Paul Demetre


    This is a four star hotel so you expect certain standards. Here those standards are not only met, the are exceeded. The staff welcome you in a professional, welcoming way, they explain every question fully, underground parking is available (valet or park yourself). The rooms are clean with very comfortable beds., Check outs are late so you can lounge and relax in the morning, or go out and explore Halifax's downtown, which you are right in the heart of. The hotel restaurant is the highest rated in the city, although I haven't eaten there yet, it is worth noting. I've stayed here three times and it has always been a great experience.

  • en

    Jonathan Veinot


    The service was excellent and all of the staff were incredibly friendly. Ideal location which was within walking distance of everywhere we needed to go. Our room was very spacious and the beds were comfortable. I was surprised that they had both form and plush pillows, but more blankets would have been nice. I just turned the heat up to compensate. I would definitely stay here again! My favourite hotel in Halifax.

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