Town i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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296, Elgin Street, K2P 1M3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-8696
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.416641, Longitude: -75.689482

kommentar 5

  • Alexandre Lalonde

    Alexandre Lalonde


    Delicious food. Sitting at the chef counter was super. Tasted some great cheese and had a nice chat with the chef.

  • Tamra Pagliaro

    Tamra Pagliaro


    We've been to Town twice now and loved it both times! The food is delicious and service is outstanding. Make sure to call ahead for a reservation, they take walk-ins at the bar but those fill up quickly. It's definitely on the more expensive side, but trust me, it's worth it! We'll be dining there again soon!

  • en

    Karoline Shirinian


    Cute little fine dining-esque place in Ottawa. The service was great and so were the cocktails. It's quite the trendy spot with some interesting art pieces. The bread was amazing, but I found the dishes themselves were a little lacking. Overall the food is good, but not great. I would go back but it would be to try something else on the menu.

  • Luanne Zhu

    Luanne Zhu


    Food was so good, our server was lovely. Great recommendations for food and wine. Will definitely return and recommend. However, the hostess is so unpleasant, she has genuine disgust in her face when the customer makes reasonable requests. I feel for the customer who received her service. Appalled...

  • Matthew Gordon

    Matthew Gordon


    We always love town, it's our go to spot in Centretown. The large meatballs are delicious and big enough to share. Overall it was a delicious Italian meal for two with a glass of wine each and came to $80. Great value.

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