Lemon Grass Thai Cuisine i Ottawa

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CanadaLemon Grass Thai Cuisine



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331, Elgin Street, K2P 1M5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-5000
internet side: ottawalemongrass.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4159152, Longitude: -75.6884012

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alexandre Bilodeau-Bouchard


    I ordered the Lemongrass chicken and was disappointed. Eight pieces of greasy chicken for $15. I felt ripped off. Out of all the great places to eat out on Elgin, this isn't one of them. That being said, my friend had the pad thai, which looked decent.

  • en

    Natalia Goncalves


    Super great food and service! Reasonably priced for the portions

  • Priyak Namjoshi

    Priyak Namjoshi


    Amazing Thai food in the city. Flavour full food served in generous proportion. Worth visiting when you crave some good Thai.

  • Gnomze



    This is one of the greatest placed on Elgin! Food is good, service is super quick and they always have tables available. Not too pricey too! They have a delivery service for those that love nearby. Though they always say an hour for delivery, they are usually here within fifteen to twenty minutes. I order from here regularly and sometimes go in for dinner as well.

  • en

    Chris Dodd


    I stopped in here during my quick trip to Ottawa and loved it. The portions were extremely generous, great tasting and the staff and friendly and attentive. The Lemongrass Gin was by far one of the best drinks I’ve ever had and is a must try if you are in the area!

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