Tip Top Tailors de Winnipeg

CanadaTip Top Tailors



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1485, Portage Avenue, R3G 0W4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-786-4871
site web: www.tiptop.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8846489, Longitude: -97.1985433

commentaires 5

  • C Loff

    C Loff


    My husband's favourite menswear shop! Really nice men's clothes, very fashionable. Hubby always looks good!

  • C G

    C G


    Decent suits for not too much dough.

  • en

    Milind patel


    Very good selection. Helping staff. But tailored prices are way to high. You have to pay half of the price of you suit to get tailored.

  • Daywalker xxvii

    Daywalker xxvii


    I had wasted an entire day trying to find a store that would have a suit that would fit me without any luck. I even had one sales associate try and convince me that due to me physique I would have to buy one that didn't fit as suits in my size aren't made for me. After giving up trying to find a suit I was just looking at getting a dress shirt from Tip Top. I told my sales associate Jim about my day before and he gave a good look over and without asking me about size brought me back not one but two suits that fit me to a tee. He even called another nearby Tip Top and had them put one on hold for me when he didn't have a color I liked. I just wished I had gone in a day sooner, it would have saved me a lot of aggravation.

  • Adam Schellenberg

    Adam Schellenberg


    I wouldn't go back here, went to rent a suit for a wedding and the staff here couldn't be bothered with helping fit the suit properly. They did their bare minimum, that's it.

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