The Red Apron i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe Red Apron



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564, Gladstone Avenue, K1R 5P3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-0417
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4093156, Longitude: -75.7001796

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Swift

    Andrew Swift


    A great place for students crunching for exams, athletes looking for balanced and nutritious meals, or the professional on the go! That and anybody who hates to cook and wants healthy meals to go.

  • Eric Kunstadt

    Eric Kunstadt


    Quality food.....highly recommend this place for eat in or take home.

  • Alexei Gherman

    Alexei Gherman


    I went here for lunch and had one of the salads that was served warm. I wanted to try the soup but they were out. The atmosphere is warm and the staff are friendly. I am definitely going to try the lasagna the next time. The only thing that is not great is they only have street parking.

  • Rajarshi Roy

    Rajarshi Roy


    Excellent food. Even better ambience. The best part? Listening to the Who while having breakfast.

  • en

    Sonya Jenkins


    This store is so useful to have nearby. They have a great variety of prepared meals that you just need to take home and heat up. The meat pie we had was delicious!

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