Pure Kitchen i Ottawa

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CanadaPure Kitchen



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340, Elgin Street, K2P 1M5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-7873
internet side: www.purekitchenottawa.com
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Latitude: 45.4159144, Longitude: -75.6888288

kommentar 5

  • Jasmine Jones

    Jasmine Jones


    This place is nice, bright, and perfect for vegans and people with dietary restrictions! Lots of versatile options, with a dessert menu. It’s in a rest location close to lots of other great spots, and offers both healthy and indulgent treats. Only down side is it can get a bit loud, but other than that all around great place!

  • Zeina Ruscica

    Zeina Ruscica


    Good food, friendly service, they're clear about what's vegan. Would def recommend the BBQ cauliflower to start. Menu changes but it's always good when I go.

  • Tori Dark

    Tori Dark


    Menu has some really creative options to gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian foods. Service is really good and the restaurant is beautiful. Great location too. Menu has changed in a few years and it's a bit pricy.

  • Véronique Drolet-Gratton

    Véronique Drolet-Gratton


    Had a great experience there! Service took a while at first (but it was crazy busy), but afterwards we were well tended to. The food was delicious and had no regrets! I will go back again. Had a gluten-free/sensitive gut diet friend with me and she was over-joyed.

  • Dahn Jeong

    Dahn Jeong


    Consistently delicious, good service, great ambience! Food is outstanding and their pressed juices are also excellent. I just wish that their prices are a little bit lower so I could go more often... that being said, I do think what you get is worth the price, especially food items.

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