SoftMoc de Sudbury




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1349, Lasalle Boulevard, P3A 1Z2, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 705-525-0271
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5195913, Longitude: -80.9461193

commentaires 5

  • en

    lisette demore


    I bought a pair of shoes for work. Paid over $100. I was told I could return them as long as I didn't wear them outside. I wore them at work for 2 hrs. My feet were killing me. Could not return them because the clerk said she did not feel comfortable taking them back. I was told she would speak to the clerk who sold them to me. A lot of good that does me now!!

  • en

    Dixie V


    Horrible. I went into the store about 2 weeks ago and wanted a new pair of winter boots. There were 3 people working. One associate past me a dozen times and not once greeted me or asked me if I needed a hand. Horrible customer service. I should not have to run after an associate in such a small store. I was in the store for about 15 - 20 minutes and not one person helped me. By the time I left the store they were all standing around chit chatting behind the cash. I went in again today and same thing happened. I was there for about 15 minutes and a girl finally approached me. I won't be returning to shop here.

  • E Cholette

    E Cholette


    Extremely disappointed in their shipping process.. my boots are still missing.

  • en

    Marie Schwenzer


    Tonight was in with my son and one of the employees was dealing with a very horrible customer. She was trying to help in a very professional manner even though she was very verbally abused to the point of being in tears afterwards. I wish I had got her name because she did a very good job considering the non justified abuse she had received from that horrible customer. She deserved an award for sure!!!!

  • Janet Evans

    Janet Evans


    I always get great service at the Softmoc in the New Sudbury Mall, their staff is all super helpful!

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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