Shoppers Drug Mart i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaShoppers Drug Mart



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174, Bank Street, K1P 5N7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-232-5723
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Latitude: 45.4182983, Longitude: -75.6991465

kommentar 5

  • Tommy Lu

    Tommy Lu


    Great customer service by the staff. Particularly Jacob (I think that's his name) and the young lady working on Sunday evenings

  • Rickie Lee

    Rickie Lee


    came in wth my trained service dog to pick up some items. A woman came in with her dog barking and growling claiming it was a service dog. staff did not handle the situation well at all. my dog is a medical response dog task trained to alert me to medical issues. My service dog could have been hurt or missed an alert and that puts me in danger. Please review the laws regarding service dogs and only allow legitimate teams in your store. I will not be back to this location.

  • Jeff Powell

    Jeff Powell


    They made a mistake that cost me $200 and only offered to waive the $12 dispensing fee. I offered a compromise to waive the markup as well as it was their error and they refused. I filled a prescription here but was out of province. I asked on two occasions for the pharmacy to not cancel the prescription. The staff assured me that it would not be cancelled. When my friend went to pick it up for me the prescription was cancelled. Insurance has lapsed at this point. I was treated poorly by the pharmacist when I pressed for an explanation.

  • Nashira G

    Nashira G


    In general the staff here is great. That is not including the pharmacy. On multiple occasions the head pharmacist here has talked down to me about my insurance and made me uncomfortable during a drug consult. There was yet another issue with my insurance today and once they told me they’d fixed it they made me wait for over half an hour to actually pick up the drugs. That being said everyone else in the store is super helpful and friendly. On multiple occasions they’ve gone above and beyond to help me out. The only problem is I have to have a battle with the pharmacy each time I pick up a prescription.

  • Emmett Pellerin

    Emmett Pellerin


    I go here often! I find the cashiers and post service to be very nice and upbeat. I don't rate this 5/5 because of one person in the pharmacy. I do not know her name but I wanted to refill my prescriptions (2) and she only refilled one. I suppose there was a lack of communication, so I call that evening, abkut two hours later, to ask about my other prescription. She accused me of being in the wrong and hung up on me. She left a voice mail saying that my prescription would be available the next day at noon. That worked for me! I went in the next day at noon and it wasn't there, it was on back order and I would have to wait. I wouldn't have minded this answer if it weren't for her saying it would have been available and for me to be there at exactly noon. This is only one employee however; the other pharmacy staff are extremely kind and helpful. However, due to that experience I think I will use another pharmacy if she is working.

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