White Cross Dispensary - (Pharmacy) i Ottawa

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CanadaWhite Cross Dispensary - (Pharmacy)



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264, Elgin Street, K2P 1M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-4029
internet side: www.whitecrossdispensary.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4177144, Longitude: -75.6904127

kommentar 5

  • Samuel Shepherd

    Samuel Shepherd


    Awesome, professional, knowledgeable and friendly service! I switched from shoppers to White Cross about 2 years ago. My health is of paramount concern and having pharmacists that are caring and attentive to detail is most comforting! They always have time to answer all of my questions and I trust them without hesitation! Thus, anyone looking for new pharmacy then look no more! White Cross is the place to check out! You'll not be disappointed! I give them 5 plus stars! 👍🖐️🤗💥

  • Marika Morris

    Marika Morris


    The pharmacists are very competent and caring. The store is always well-staffed.

  • David Fuller

    David Fuller


    I sense a bit of discrimination from the staff. I am of mixed race and arrived 15 minutes ago. I was told to wait and then 2 people non ethic was served before me. Now that i am being served the lady serving me is making me very uncomfortable.

  • en

    Sonia Myre


    Professional, knowledgeable and friendly staff. Great variety of natural and organic products. Prices are very competitive. Love coming here.

  • en

    Sierra Hubble


    Great, friendly, and professional staff. I came in for the first time today to look for my regular over-the counter medication because it happened to be closest to me. The service here was just excellent - everyone was really helpful and professional. I was helped to find a product I wanted and was informed that a similar, but better (based on customer feedback) product was on sale for the same price. The pharmacy disclosed that they had a close relationship with that supplier, but explained that was because they had great products and they encouraged me to buy one bottle instead of two to make sure that it worked for me first - so I knew that they were really looking out for me and not trying to beef up their close supplier's sales. It turned out there was an issue with a packaging (fault of the company, not the pharmacy) and I brought my product back. The staff was welcoming and apologetic. They did not have the exact same product available without the affected packaging, so they gave me the better, more expensive product in the same line for the original price I paid. I had a really great experience here, I'll probably switch all of my prescriptions over from Shoppers. Highly recommended!

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