Royal Oak i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaRoyal Oak



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337, Crichton Street, K1M 1W3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-680-1130
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4386577, Longitude: -75.6778075

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christopher Wynn


    Great food and drinks. A little small so it fills up fast.

  • DominicKeyha .thePolak

    DominicKeyha .thePolak


    Amazing hospitality and great conversations, feels like your drinking beer in pj's at home eoth friends.

  • en

    Marc Lafrance


    Great service, good nachos and a good deal on mini pitchers. All in all a good place to go for a pint

  • Roch St-Georges

    Roch St-Georges


    Not very big on ground floor. $17.50 burgers substitute your fries for salad will cost you another $3? Good but not worth $20.50

  • Eileen Carter

    Eileen Carter


    Great potential but poor service and value. Our server took 15 minutes to come by for our first drink order. When I asked if they stocked a particular beverage, the server replied condescendingly that I "must never have worked in a bar before" and of course they didn't carry root beer, "no pub carries root beer". I opened the menu to take a peak at some of the other options and the server tried to leave, even though my companion was ready and I just wanted to confirm the name of my second choice cocktail. He then tried to leave again even though we were mid sentence to order food. He kept coming back to the table, interrupting the conversation at the weirdest times (like when our drinks were full) to constantly offer us water. For my second drink I ordered a rum and coke and he made a big deal about whether I liked lemon or lime and how he'd bring me my perfect drink. I'd specified a tall, and a short came to the table, with a side of lemon and lime since he'd forgotten which I preferred. There were two or three other similar situations over the course of 2 hours. Natchos were flat, greasy, and served with hardly any salsa/sour cream. Lots of other pubs in the neighbourhood!

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