Rodeway Inn Trois-Rivières i Trois-Rivières

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CanadaRodeway Inn Trois-Rivières



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3600, Boulevard Gene-H.-Kruger, G9A 4M3, Trois-Rivières, Francheville, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-379-3232
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.3294499, Longitude: -72.5584829

kommentar 5

  • en

    Victor Mikhalevski


    A reasonable, but old-fashioned hotel. The breakfast is very poor. The air-conditioner is very loud and doesn't have climate control. The pillows were too soft. I believe they have renovated rooms in the hotel.

  • Desislav Stanchev

    Desislav Stanchev


    Good hotel, but was cold in some places. Some issues in the bathroom. Some of the rooms are renovated and really nice. Nice conference rooms.

  • en

    Carlee Florek


    DO NOT STAY HERE. Any and all reviews praising this place are false! Yes it is a good price but I would rather spend a little more and get a decent hotel. First when we checked in we were informed that the breakfast was not included, even though when I booked through choice hotels it was. Then our room 142 smelt like dirty hookers and mold. We were then upgraded to a "deluxe" room which had mold in the shower and we were moved one room over. At that point I was too exhausted to switch hotels and might I suggest the Quality Inn in Drummondville. Considering the complete shit sleep we got switching hotels would have been worth it! The beds are older than I am and we slept on a sleeping bag because the sheets had crumbs and stains. Woke up whenever a door slammed shut(which was often) and with a headache(meaning there was mold since I have allegies). Again I say DO NOT STAY HERE!

  • Pamela Morasse

    Pamela Morasse


    The room was nice, comfy and clean. The bathroom needs some work. The service at the front desk was crappie. When we called, we booked for 2 nights with a soccer team. First, the receptionist argued that we only had 1 night instead of 2. The whole team was spread out in the hotel. The breakfast wasn't that good and not a big selection. The eggs were horrible the taste and texture.

  • Michael Metzen

    Michael Metzen


    It's a good motel type accommodation with fair prices and friendly staff. The rooms are spacious and clean, the breakfast ( included in the price of a room) is okay with one type of cheese (cheddar), one type of meat some jams, eggs and melon. You can choose between white and rye toast. The hotel also offers an outdoor pool, free WiFi and lots of free parking. Communication is in French or English.

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