Motel Bellefeuille Inc. i Trois-Rivières

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CanadaMotel Bellefeuille Inc.



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2070, Rue Bellefeuille, G9A 2T6, Trois-Rivières, Francheville, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-376-7421
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.3384931, Longitude: -72.5526959

kommentar 5

  • Vegan Vampire

    Vegan Vampire


    There was ants under the toilet, but other than that everything was decent. Also they did not respect the time that we scheduled online. The room did have a mini fridge and a microwave which is good.

  • Chellee M.

    Chellee M.


    We stay at this motel every year for an event, this year was our second year. The beds are mediocre, but the rooms are fairly clean. The motel is fairly close to the exit/on ramps. Also, 10 min walk to the pier and downtown strip there is a Walmart within a 5 min drive.. Gp3r is a 10 min walk, if you know which way to go Aswell. Front desk speaks some English, enough to checkin/out. There is no breakfast or restaurant here, but if you drive over to Walmart there is a small breakfast restaurant called tutti fruttii which has English menus and servers. Overall the price is right if you're there for an event and won't be I'm the room that long.

  • Jessy U

    Jessy U


    I enjoyed staying here. The room was very nicely finished (compared to building finish.) Had refrigerator and microwave as well. Bed was okay, the A/C kept the room cool!

  • en

    Amy W


    The rooms were a lot nicer inside than the building looks outside, so that's what counts. Rooms were clean and staff was friendly, so for the quality to price ratio, you can't complain.

  • Lindsay Angelini

    Lindsay Angelini


    Not your typical grungy motel. We were very surprised upon walking in, and it was much better than anticipated! Bed was not the comfiest, but it served its purpose for a one-night stay. Bathroom was better than anticipated as well. There was a mini fridge with freezer and a microwave. The tv only works when the tall lamp is on, so you can't fall asleep to it at night. I would come back here, and the price was right for what we needed!

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