Pet Valu i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPet Valu



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1309 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L3, Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-722-1113
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.3877077, Longitude: -75.7344097

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sameer Patwary


    Very knowledgeable staff! They were a great help when I adopted my first dog, found me the exact food I was looking for and various other essentials. This is a much smaller store so you’re guaranteed to find the help you’re looking for compared to other big chain stores where you need to search all over the store for a sales rep. Highly recommend this location!

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    Nicolas P.


    Great place tightly packed with lots of pet supplies. A green parrot is actually living there!

  • Eve Legault

    Eve Legault


    Love that place the people's who works there are knowledgeable and welcoming. I go mostly there to see Lauren Davidson the grommer ( highly recommend her ). I just wish they were closer to where I live but it's still worth the drive when you are so satisfied.

  • en

    Dan K


    Very knowledgeable staff and always happy to help. Large variety of food, especially for dogs and cats. Helped find a solution to my dogs itchy spots! They also do pet grooming here and have a wonderful groomer!

  • Marie-France Marquis

    Marie-France Marquis


    I received exceptional service from Jessica, who provided thoughtful advice to help me chose products for my new kittens. Very knowledgeable staff. Will shop there again!

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