Healthy Pets HQ i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHealthy Pets HQ



🕗 åbningstider

420, Bank Street, K2P 1Y8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-695-7387
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4125158, Longitude: -75.694081

kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Valentine

    Kimberly Valentine


    Everyone there loves animals so much.... And are still friendly towards humans. Rare breed

  • Vitaliy Shkvarets

    Vitaliy Shkvarets


    Good selection of raw food. Great service. Recommend.

  • Martina Holtz

    Martina Holtz


    This is a place where I can get good quality pet food for a competitive price. The staff there is very knowledgeable and always ready with some advise if needed.

  • en

    Rebecca Pidgeon


    Popped in to get Daisy’s nails trimmed this afternoon. The gal who clipped them was amazing with her. Daisy got treats and love and left a happy pupper! 10/10 will go back again!

  • en

    Collin PB


    With a dog I have found that Health Pets is a staple. The team is super friendly, good with animals and quick in their service. Tonight, we strolled in with less than three minutes to closing and the team helped us put booties on our pup for the first time. I have had nothing but good experiences and consistently quality experiences at the store. I would highly recommend it!

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