Krell Wellness Center i Prince George

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaKrell Wellness Center



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513, Ahbau Street, V2M 3R8, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 250-596-3236
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.920364, Longitude: -122.7848479

kommentar 5

  • Hannah Fehr

    Hannah Fehr


    Tina is a great chiropractor, staff is really friendly and the facility is nice :)

  • en

    Irene Tapp


    Fabulous! I highly recommend Krell Wellness Center, I absolutely LOVE it! From the wonderful people at the front desk to the very skillful practitioners, (there is quite a few of them and such a variety!), the ambiance, efficiency, (NEVER a long wait in the waiting room), products offered for sale, (and wouldn’t a health food store fit in beautifully there!....hint hint), and the fact they are constantly improving and expanding; in the over two years I’ve been going there this business has never ceased to amaze me. They even have a Yoga studio and also offer a few wellness classes; Krell Wellness Center really is awesome!

  • Verna Houghtaling

    Verna Houghtaling


    Team work at its finest! Having options to receive different types of treatments for an issue - sometimes the same day is a huge bonus! Love being able to book online. Easy to find, to park. No long wait time at an appointment.

  • en

    Joseph Cunningham


    The krell wellness center is an outstanding example of customer service and patient consideration. The time is taken to factor in all accounts that may be contributing to your ailment or ailments and set up a functional and practical approach to addressing your needs. I would recommend re krell wellness center to anyone who is need of comfort relaxation and overall wonderful environment.

  • en

    Savannah Elliot-Ball


    The ladies at Krell are so wonderful, they always make you feel important and take time to know your needs. From seeing Nola at the front desk and to my wonderful massage therapist Nicole. I love going to Krell and look forward to trying other services they offer soon!

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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