CBI Health Centre i Prince George

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCBI Health Centre


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1310, 5 Avenue, V2L 3L4, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-562-3537
internet side: www.cbi.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.9157827, Longitude: -122.7475433

kommentar 5

  • Travis Reynolds

    Travis Reynolds


    As a patient I found everyone helpful, informative and willing to listen to my specific concerns towards my rehabilitation. Great attention to detail.

  • Connor McMaster

    Connor McMaster


    I was injured doing physio here for almost two months the nurses acted like they cared but I had very minimal results still unable to return to run heavy equipment and I don't know why, despite my struggle they told me the were not able to help me any longer as they apparently did all they could and sent a report to wcb that I was fit to return to work with no limitations?! I'm not sure if it was personal or they just don't care for anyone's well being. I always knew they were two faced.

  • en

    Donald Gunning


  • Tony Minard

    Tony Minard


  • Bill Brommeland

    Bill Brommeland


    Great for physio and D&A testing

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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