Homewood Suites by Hilton Toronto-Markham i Markham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHomewood Suites by Hilton Toronto-Markham



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50, Bodrington Court, L6G 0A9, Markham, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-477-4663
internet side: homewoodsuites3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.8432607, Longitude: -79.3544531

kommentar 5

  • Dave Kedzior

    Dave Kedzior


    Nice hotel to stay at. The beds are comfortable, the bed area of the room has privacy, and the M-Th happy hour had some delicious appetizers.

  • en

    Neb Boulianne


    Beds were comfortable... Service was great. breakfast selection was a little small.

  • Jennifer Brunell

    Jennifer Brunell


    A fine hotel in general. The housekeeping staff is good and the kitchen staff work hard. However, my last night here was not good. A group of teenage kids stayed and were running in the hall way . The adults who were with them were just as disrespectful, Security had to come multiple times and the situation was never fully resolved. On the same night in an unrelated incident a man was arrested. Not the hotels fault, but I would expect the hotel to do a better job at screening customers.

  • Al McCullough

    Al McCullough


    Great stay, comfy room, decent breakfast and afternoon snacks. Housekeeping did a great job of leaving soaps/shampoo/towels for my stay. I hate waste so prefer using same things for duration of my stay.

  • en

    Jeff VanderSlagt


    Was clean and fresh. Suites were well stocked. Staff was courteous and went well above what was expected. Excellent breakfast. Will definitely return if back in the area.

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