Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Markham i Markham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHilton Garden Inn Toronto/Markham



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300, Commerce Valley Drive East, L3T 7X3, Markham, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-709-8008
internet side: hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 43.8445639, Longitude: -79.3785537

kommentar 5

  • en

    George Koliniotis


    Excellent breakfast on order buffet. Rooms are clean but washroom is a bit small. Very good value for the price. Enjoyed the indoor pool but it was a bit cool. Service was excellent and staff was friendly. Worth a second stay.

  • Danielle Khairallah

    Danielle Khairallah


    Excellent service. The room was spotless and the bathroom was great. Fridge and microwave as well as a keurig are available in the room. Their breakfast service is great too. I enjoyed my stay!

  • Jim Cyr

    Jim Cyr


    very friendly staff upon check-in and at the dining room. Room was clean and had very good internet. Check-in process was quick, ask how the breakfast buffet works, it's not bad. At the corner of highway 7 & something (near Leslie). Pretty quick in & out. Room had bar fridge, microwave and good supply of coffee pods. Fitness centre/pool is decent and located down the hall past the bar/lounge.

  • en

    Brian Lee


    Convenient location just off the 404. Rooms were clean and good sized. Staff was friendly and courteous. Check in/out was quick. Breakfast was quite good too. Plenty of restaurants just across the parking lot in case you want something different from the hotel restaurant.

  • Chelsie Levavasseur

    Chelsie Levavasseur


    Everything was great except my check-in experience. I had travelled all day, including a 9 hour stay on an aircraft because we couldn't land due to weather. I had a little bit of a delay in getting my incidentals deposit together but the room was paid for and instead of acknowledging that and going the extra mile, the check-in clerk let me sit in the lobby for an extra half hour instead of letting me take that time to decompress in my room after a 13 hour day of travel. One great thing I would like to acknowledge was the breakfast waitress. She was very personable and made me feel very welcome.

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