Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Windsor Ambassador Bridge i Windsor

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Hotel & Suites Windsor Ambassador Bridge



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1855 Huron Church Road, Windsor, ON N9C 2L6, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-966-1200
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.281399, Longitude: -83.056318

kommentar 5

  • Jeff Collins

    Jeff Collins


    When asked in person, the front desk said there were no rooms available. When we shortly later called the reservations number, there was suddenly a room. Seemed kinda fishy but other than that service and room we're great.

  • Jay Jenkinson

    Jay Jenkinson


    Always good to me. Great spot for parking a bus if needed. Sometimes a little noisy due to children staying for local sports tourneys. staff are great and beds are comfortable. rooms are always clean. Lots of fast food options nearby.

  • Samantha Hayward

    Samantha Hayward


    I was in town for a meeting at the hotel and stayed overnight there as well. Overall, the service was excellent, the rooms were clean and we had a good experience. However, there were a few minor issues: some of the pillows smelled strongly of bleach or some other cleaning product, and the room for our meeting wasn't set up the way it had been requested by the organizers. Beyond those small details, the food provided was delicious and served on time, and the staff was very friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Christian Prémont


    I go there often for work and every time it's excellent. Staff is always friendly and they go out of there way to help. I only once had a room that I felt was not clean enough. They changed me room imediately and on my way out to the new room, cleaning staff were walking in to change the bed completely and clean up. Every other stay was excellent. The only thing that could be better would be an updated training room. The equipment is old and not always very clean. The pool is fine though. I strongly recommend it and will keep going there every time I go to Windsor which is on average 6 or 7 times a year.

  • Trevor Laframboise

    Trevor Laframboise


    Great facility. I've used this place numerous times for different events and have been happy with how I and my guests have been treated everytime. The building is clean and relatively up to date. The conference facilities are spotless and easy to find. Highly recommended.

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