Best Western Plus Waterfront Hotel i Windsor

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CanadaBest Western Plus Waterfront Hotel



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277, Riverside Drive West, N9A 5K4, Windsor, Essex County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-973-5555
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.3186633, Longitude: -83.0432765

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Williams

    Jennifer Williams


    Great hotel. Friendly service and updated rooms with beautiful view. Pool and sauna on third floor. Reasonably priced rooms. Rooms are small but comfortable. Continental breakfast is great!

  • en

    Lisa Grightmire


    It was a great location. Quick walk to anywhere in the downtown core of windsor. The rooms were nice and bright and very tidy. The few was beautiful of the Detroit river. Continental buffet breakfast was one of the best I have ever had. Highly recommend this hotel.

  • en

    Khrystyna Prokhorenko


    Looks like this hotel has been recently renovated. There are some areas that have not been touched, one of the three elevators for example ( elevators by the way are very slow, but the elevator doors close promptly, so do not think twice to get in, or you will have to wait for the next one). We stayed over the Easter weekend, Friday night was noisy, with the crowds of drunk college students, riding elevators, and walking up and down the hall. They would keep us awake till 3 in the morning. However the next night was quiet!!! Have not been able to use the pool as it was overcrowded. The breakfast area offers good and nutritious breakfast (7am-10am), if you want a cup of descent coffee get it here, and grab one to go! ( Coffee in the sitting area does not taste like one at all!) The view ( from the 10rh floor) of Detroit River and the city is stunning, especially at night and early in the morning!

  • en

    Ann Kasaboski


    Hotel attached to arts centre so wasn't quite sure I was at the right place but lobby is welcoming. The partial river view from room was quite nice. Good walking path along the river. Fitness room also had river view and pool was good. Art on the walls was to my liking and seemed to reflect local sites. Renovations to update have been well done. Breakfast room is spacious and comfortable, and the food good with variety both hot and cold.

  • en

    Daniel Wilcox


    As far as of you go, it's incomparable for a location like this. You can have a clear sight not on the Detroit River and the Ambassador Bridge but of the skyline all across Detroit and clearly the GM buildings. It is a beauty and sent itself morning noon or night. Well this isn't a complaint much that they really can't do much of given the location, parking is not the best. They charge you $15 a day to park behind their building and it's across the street so during the winter time it can get pretty cold, and the parking garage is how it should I say it, very tight. If you have a Jeep like I do, be prepared to spend a little time navigating in tight corners.

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