Holiday Inn Express Whitby Oshawa i Whitby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Express Whitby Oshawa


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180, Consumers Drive, L1N 9S3, Whitby, Durham Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-665-8400
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8683646, Longitude: -78.932504

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve Pendli


    Absolutely an enjoyable experience. Very comfortable beds and pillows. Well kept housekeeping staff and the breakfast is always tasty. Heck, there is usually a cookie waiting for you at the front desk when you check in. Check them out. 👍

  • Justin vanBergen-Sciuk

    Justin vanBergen-Sciuk


    Great cheap place to stay, clean and nice staff

  • Syed Rahman

    Syed Rahman


    BED BUGS! We had a bad experience at this hotel, on multiple nights there were kids hockey teams staying here. The lobby was rowdy and kids were roaming the hotel knocking on random doors, running, making loud noises etc. I wish I could say that was the worst of it. I am pretty sure this hotel has bed bugs. My wife broke out into hives at 1am. There were multiple bites on her face and neck. Her eye ballooned up and required antibiotics. The front staff compensated us with a free night which is fine but we left the hotel at 2am that night so that really isnt all that much. Overall, pay a little more for something better. I complained to customer service and i was told someone would reach out to me. It's been several weeks and I am still waiting for a call/email

  • Nikolas Gauvreau

    Nikolas Gauvreau


    Lots of free parking. Breakfast was actually pretty tasty with a few warm items offered including eggs, sausages, pancakes, various breads for toasting. Could have used more variety of yogurt in the fridge. The room was nice and the staff was great as well. One small issue, I had a the two beds room and the beds were nearly impossible to move. I usually like to put one against the wall for my youngest.

  • Krista Hope-Tindall

    Krista Hope-Tindall


    The room was spacious and clean. The bed was nice and firm. The air conditioning was top notch! They have a heated, outdoor salt-water pool that was very pleasant to use on one of the hottest days of 2017. They had not cleaned our room by 2:30pm, but were very helpful in delivering fresh towels when we asked. Lots of food options close by, and a cinema.

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