Grounded Kitchen, Coffee & Bar i Ottawa

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CanadaGrounded Kitchen, Coffee & Bar



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100, Gloucester Street, K2P 0A4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-567-1234
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Latitude: 45.4189222, Longitude: -75.6958762

kommentar 5

  • Jenn S

    Jenn S


    Amazing bowls for lunch. Perfectly balanced meal. Protein, veg, fermented good (kimchi), fat (avocado). Really good for those looking to eat healthy even when dining out. Good ambience. Pride themselves on the coffees too.

  • en

    Elizabeth Sauve


    Joined with a party of 3. Was in a rush, told not to order the bowls they take too long. Didn't matter my food came with everyone else's (although I was very clear I couldn't stay). Paid 18 for a salad with NO protein. If you are in a rush or vegetarian or don't have a 90 minute lunch our, avoid.

  • en

    Lisa Trayhern


    Loves this place. Staff was amazing - efficient and friendly with great recommendations. Food was excellent and after supper here we returned the next morning for breakfast and probably would have gone back for lunch! Definitely worth a visit, especially for Stephen King fans...

  • en

    Dung Hien Nguyen


    Had the usual breakfast. The in-house sausage and scone were very good. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Would've given 5 stars if service was better. I didn't have utensils and it would've nice if they offered condiments instead of me having to ask. They also make their own ketchup and hot sauce which were really good too.

  • S Skublics

    S Skublics


    Good food with variety. Good service. Nice atmosphere. Gluten free aware. Has Celia beer. Highly recommend for lunch and dinner.

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